Patric Ortmann - Pictures, Art, Photography Patric Ortmann

Patric Ortmann

Background Information about Patric Ortmann


Infinite attraction: “Ad Infinitum“ beams the viewer beyond time and space, offering a
striking visualisation of endlessness luring with almost magnetic force. The viewer becomes an observer of an abstract concept, getting the impression of it becoming tangible. The artwork sets the mind in motion, and generates fascinating sensory states.  
The noble and calming composition of intertwining shapes inspire the viewer to engage with one’s inner self, allowing distance from the everyday life by diving into Patric Ortmann’s metaverse, experiencing boundless space for unconventional ideas and thoughts outside the box.
While the cold metal of the geometrical forms on some level seem to graze the viewers skin,
it at the same time transcends our sensory perception verging on optical illusions challenging our imagination. The artwork takes the viewer to a sphere where the laws of physics are overruled by the laws of aesthetics. A place to which the infinite Penrose Staircase of the renowned mathematician has already led in the past. Throughout the history of art, artists such as the Dutch painter and graphic artist H.C. Escher took up the challenge of creating confusion among the senses by depicting so-called impossible figures. In his art, visual artist and experienced animation designer Patric Ortmann who has already collaborated with brand such as Mercedes and Nike embraces the challenge of making the impossible possible.